Sunday, September 14, 2014

Blog Post 2

One thing that we talked about in class was how we describe a story and what it means to us.  I heard a student say we learn more about what’s going on in the world when we read or watch a story. I agree with this statement because if we don’t read or watch a news story, for example, we will not know what is coming for us and we need to know how to prepare for it.  During the class time that we were talking about this, I sat there thinking what I thought reading for watching a story meant to me.  I finally realized that it really means taking a break from reality.  We all get sucked into these TV shows and movies that we actually imagine our lives inside the story situation.  Binge watching, for example, has a big impact on a lot of people because they get so sucked up into the show that they forget how much time has passed and what reality is really like.  The very first article that we read said that one of the women got so sucked into a reality story TV show that it began affecting her life and marriage.  This can be dangerous if we cannot control our story watching.  It is a good way to take a break from reality but not a long one.  If I am going to watch or read a good story, I want the 3 major elements in my story to be unique and exquisite: character, the plot, and the actions.  I love action shows or movies with good characters involved, but without a good “twisting” plot, it makes the story less interesting to me.  We talked about the show “Lost” which has a twisted plot in the end.  This is a good example of a show that had some good characters, plot, and a lot of action.  Some may have not liked the end because it was so unexpected but that’s what makes a good story and something for everyone to remember!

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