Monday, September 15, 2014

Memes : Self Portrait of the Internet Culture

The memes are phenomena that are repeated and declined massively on the Internet. It can be a sentence, a picture, a word or an idea whose destiny is to spread to blogs, social networking or community sites (ex : 9gag)

They are interesting to analyze because they are artifacts for the entire Internet community. Used at the base to make people laugh, it is possible that the meme is a self-portrait of those who create them.
The humor is based on the same understanding of the image or phrase from other members of the community who share the same language or the same lifestyle. For example, the language used most often in the memes, is unique to the community language. Indeed, the basic language is English, but the grammar and syntax approximate. Thus, instead of saying "Why you no", we'll say " y u no ". As the traditional "What the fuck" was replaced by "dafuq."

 Topics covered by the memes often refer to pop culture (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, video games ..) because it is shared by all members of the community. Without knowing the reference hidden behind the meme, it is difficult for the average person to understand humor.

The meme is the representation of a geek community humor that does not hesitate to make fun of those who are not insiders: The Nerd Girl, Grandma on the Internet etc. ..

But the meme can also be interpreted as a self-portrait of the person who is the author. Many memes purpose humorous depict people who stay in front of their computers all day without going to the toilet or letting himself starve. Although it is ironic self-regard, it is also accompanied by a need for recognition from those who like and broadcast these posts. Through these actions, the author of the meme will be able to reassure his behavior, saying he is not alone in this and that it can continue to live his life as he sees fit.

The most concrete example is the famous meme "Forever Alone". If these representations it is intended to make people laugh, it also demonstrates a form of loneliness on the part of the author. By publishing his story, he will then hope to find a form of support from other Internet users who are distributed and likes his job.

In conclusion, if Internet memes are primarily a form of humorous expression, they can also be a form of anxiety or fears.

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