Monday, September 15, 2014

Second Post

The narrative criticism of Kanye's "New York Times Article" and "Jimmy Kimmel Talk show" helped to show the proper way to place and decipher the deeper meanings hidden in them. In the New York Times article Kanye's interview was broken down and looked at as a standalone source and not to be judged by other controversial articles. Reading an article and not pulling in unwanted texts from outside sources is a very hard thing to do in today's society; however, it is not an impossible task. Using some of the Technics we learned in class we can with effort present a narrative criticism. The first Technic used for this is "Setting" of the article, the place in which it takes place. Second is "Characters" who the article is talking about mainly, and whether they are "Flat" or "Round" as characters. Third is "Narrative" who is speaking telling the story of the article. Fourth is "Relationship" which is split between "Causal" which is something happening that was caused by a previous event, and "Temporal" which is the reflection on past events that lead to present situations. Lastly is the "Moral" of the story which splits into "Coherence" which is the structural, character, and material, then we have "Fidelity" which is the ideological argument. With these five steps shown it is entirely possible to critically analyze an article without being to heavily influenced by outside views that are related to the current article at hand. Learning these steps is the key to helping maintain an open perspective, and to not be swayed in the opinion that has been reached.

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